Sambal goreng tempe - crispy fried tempeh
Cooking time: 10 min. / 10 min.Difficulty: easy
What I love most about this recipe is the consistency of tempeh. As when chopped really fine, it gets nearly crunchy. The consistency is according to my opinion the key success factor of the recipe. I tried the same recipe with larger pieces of tempeh and it didn`t work so well. Detailes always mattered :)
Crush all ingredients (except tempeh and oil) into a paste in a mortar or in a blender.
Dice tempeh. The smaller pieces, the more crunchy tempeh will be. Fry in a wok on 3-4 tbs oil till golden brown on a high heat. Take out from a wok and put aside.
Fry the paste in the same oil on a high heat 1-2 min.
Add tempeh, stir and serve.
Serve with rice.
To buy tempeh US, UK, Europe, To buy prawn paste US, UK, Europe
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, To buy Indonesian mortar cobek US, To buy a rice cooker US, UK, Europe
, To buy a wok US, UK, Europe
For 4 portions:
- 250 g tempeh
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 tomato
- small piece of sweet red pepper
- 1 tsp brown or palm sugar
- 2 red chilies
- 1/2 tsp MSG (optional)
- salt
- oil
Side dish:
- rice
Authentic tools needed:
- wok
- rice cooker