- Aubergine / Eggplant
Aubergine / Eggplant / Brinjal ....... has as many varieties in shapes and colors like in names. It can be white, purple, green, combined with white stripes. It can be small and round or huge, sort of bottle shaped ....... and it is used in cuisines worldwide.
- Authentic Moroccan couscous with beef and vegetables
In our fast moving world it is quite hard to imagine preparing real couscous as they do in North Africa. The real one takes a few hours to prepare. Couscous in Morocco is a festive dish served on Friday. One of the reasons for long preparation is a slow cooked meat (usually beef or lamb). The second, most important one is slow moisturising of dry couscous by hands and then slow steaming above meat and vegetables in a special pot called couscoussier. Thanks to this slow process the couscous is well done, filled with smell of meat and vegetables and nicely loose.
- Vegetarian tagine berber style
Morocco is not a paradise for vegetarians. So vegetarian tagine doesn`t belong to typical Moroccan dishes. But this doesn`t mean they do not exist at all. I was so lucky I bumped into a place they made it and it was a traditional berber style.
- Wambatu curry - Eggplant curry
In Sri Lanka they make curry from nearly any kind of vegetable you can imagine. Eggplant is not en exception. And as usual is very easy, fast and tasty, convenient for both vegetarians and vegans too.